How To Get The Best Out Of Your Employees As An Entrepreneur - Guardian Ghana - Homepage, Breaking news, Africa, Sports, Entertainment

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Saturday, October 7, 2017

How To Get The Best Out Of Your Employees As An Entrepreneur

“So where we work, we work with tasks we don’t work with time. If we have to do what we have to do, it’s regardless of what time it is.
“With time, the culture gets to sit with people and those who want to go with the flow go with the flow, those who think they are overburdened exit.

Getting the most out of your employees is one sure way of propelling your business to success.
In one of his Aspire series, Mike Nyinaku, Founder and CEO of Beige Capital shares practical ways to instill dedication spirit in employees since it’s not inherent in most of them.
Well they cannot be blamed much since they are not responsible for their upbringing. What can be done is to instill these tenets in them and inspire them to do more.
According to Mike Nyinaku, talent acquisition is a challenge today and may be a challenge forever because a lot of people approach his office to want to be engaged (For employment opportunities).
“However, we see that most of the people just want a place to go and make some money at the end of the month,” Nyinaku said.
“They practically would wish to do nothing and get paid at the end of the month,” he added.
He explained that with this mind set, the real task is how to transform the thinking of these people for them to be happy to do what they want to do and even to do more without even asking them to.
He readily admits that it is a hard task but over the years, he has to accept such people because they are not responsible for their upbringing.
“So when people come in with no sense of dedication, I forgive them first and then befriend them and begin to give them reasons to have a change of mindset.”
“When that happens I start stretching them and I’m not afraid to let them go if they don’t want to be stretched”
He indicated that, his organisation works with tasks but not time
Nyinaku notes that grooming your employees to adapt to the culture of your organisation is a continues process and at different stages of the growth process, the organisation encounters different people.
His strategy: In every one of them (employees), he tries to identify their unique capabilities and use them the best way he can.
“We also try to make people to see the aspiration opportunities within our institution“
“At Beige, we believe that everybody should dream big enough to be able to capture and provide rooms for the aspiration of everyone else.
Strategies you can inculcate into your employees to grow your business as entrepreneur
  1. Afford people the opportunity.
  2. Befriend your employees and mentor them.
  3. Start stretching them in positive ways. Show them they can do more with their talents.
  4. Teach them the principles of dedication.
  5. Identify talents in each one of them and capitalize on it.
After doing all these, if they are hungry for success as you are, they will stick around and contribute immensely to the growth of your organisation.

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